Reading & Writing Tutoring
for dyslexic or learning-challenged students
using Orton-Gillingham (OG) methods
Is your child lagging behind in school?
Struggling to read?
Avoiding homework?
Every Child Can Learn To Read
Honolulu tutor Joyce Torrey uses Orton-Gillingham* (OG) techniques to boost spelling, reading and writing skills — and self-confidence. A former Punahou and Hanahauoli schools teacher, Mrs. Torrey creates a nurturing, relaxed, nonjudgmental environment where students thrive.
*The Orton-Gillingham Approach, developed by Samuel Torrey Orton, a neurologist and pathologist, and Anna Gillingham, an educator and psychologist, works to remedy reading issues among dyslexics and learning-challenged students. Orton-Gillingham is a methodical, emotionally- and academically-sound system covering critical science of reading components such as phonics, spelling and reading and writing.
Science of Reading Curriculum
Phonics, Spelling & Syllabication
Parts of Speech & Sentence Structure
Reading Comprehension
Writing Techniques