About Torrey Tutoring

Building Skills and Self-Confidence

Joyce Torrey believes every child can learn to read. She first identifies the beginning point for tutoring, then builds skills methodically through a mix of teaching phonics, spelling and reading comprehension techniques.

Tutoring usually starts with oral phonics review, followed by written exercises to “cement” learning. Reading is introduced to work on comprehension, fluency, phrasing and vocabulary.

As skills grow, so does self-confidence. Students become more optimistic and motivated seeing positive results. Parents and classroom teachers note improved attitude, achievement and focus.

Decades of Proven Experience

A former Punahou and Hanahauoli schools teacher, Mrs. Torrey trained at Assets School to learn Orton-Gillingham (OG) techniques. Her specialty: teaching dyslexic and neurodiverse students. She also teaches Enrichment classes for students applying to private school.

After 24 years as a tutor developing best practices, Mrs. Torrey copyrighted her book, “Tips, Tools, Tactics: Lesson Plans to Jumpstart Struggling Readers in Elementary and Middle School.”

“We believe all students can benefit from Joyce’s tutoring skills. She is the epitome of what a teacher should be.”

— Cass and Tina N., Parents

A fourth grader’s lesson summary and art project.

Get started with Torrey Tutoring today.